Harnaaz Sandhu was crowned Miss Universe and brought home the title after over two decades. The woman of the hour has been absolutely smashing it with her style and fashion game. Earlier, she was an actress and a model and now, she has moved on to become one of the most prominent names that have made the entire country proud. Wearing the 70th Miss Universe’s crown, Harnaaz Sandhu was titled the same after actress Lara Dutta bagged it back in the year. While the contest was held in Eilat, Israel, Harnaaz Sandhu’s fashion game was on point and had elements of the Indian culture.
Hailing from Chandigarh, Harnaaz was seen donning the prettiest of sarees, lehengas, dresses, and gowns throughout the course of the Miss Universe pageant. Making heads turn in beautiful hues and patterns, Harnaaz was also seen in some of the finest western wear. Designer Saisha Shinde was the mastermind behind her finale gown. During the tour, Harnaaz Sandhu wore a number of scintillating looks by some of the most prominent Indian designers including Rocky Star, Pankaj & Nidhi, Abhinav Mishra, Abhishek Sharma, Kapardara, Swatee Singh, Varun & Nidhika, Nidhi Yasha, Rar Studio, ASAL By Abu Sandeep, Mandira Wirk, and more!
Keeping it super stylish and minimal, Harnaaz Kaur has become one of the most looked up-to fashionistas for all the millennials and fashion enthusiasts. Aza Fashions Online has always ensured to keep you updated with the best of fashion and trends from designers across India. We know that you love the latest trends and keeping that in mind, we’ve got a few looks donned by Harnaaz Sandhu that you will be able to get your hands on without any worries.
Here are some of our favourite looks donned by the woman of the hour, Harnaaz Sandhu, Miss Universe 2021, that you can shop hassle-free on Aza Fashions Online.
It's time for you to look like Miss Universe Harnaaz Sandhu and dress just as glamourously as her courtesy Aza Fashions Online.
amazing Girl
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